7th February 2022 matt mudie

1. Be More Early

Tutors often arrive online ready to teach five minutes before the scheduled start of the lesson. Be early and get extra lesson time!

2. Log Onto Bramble Website

Most of our tutors use the Bramble platform when teaching. Log into the website to access a record of all your previous lessons. You can even search for a keyword or term like “trigonometry” or “subordinate clause” and the website will find the lessons that refer to that topic.

3. Plan Ahead

Online tuition is fantastic for revisiting topics that you have found tricky at school. Email your tutor ahead of time to tell them what you would like to study, or have tell your tutor immediately at the start of the lesson.

4. Homework: Routine and Repetition

Homework helps you remember key ideas and put them in your long term memory. Get into a regular routine- set aside a time slot every week for your homework- so that your brain is ready to learn. By repeating questions that you did in tuition a week ago it will help your mind remember the key skills.